I am currently exhibiting work at the Old Parcels Office Gallery in Scarborough. This gallery is a wonderful space and I am pleased  to be included in such a prestigeous exhibition. 

I currently have work on exhibition at the Fronteer Gallery in Sheffield.

This exhibition features a wealth of textile art from the region and beyond and I am delighted to be in such fantastic company. 

I am delighted to be contributing to an exhibition of work by Open Up participants. This is at the Art House, 8 Backfields, Sheffield City Centre, Sheffield S1 4HJ.

The exhibition is a selling show and is running until the 16th January 2024.


I'll be taking part in the Penistone Craft Fayre at Penistone Community Centre on 26th March. The fayre is part of Penistone Art Week. The doors open at 10.00am and I will be selling a selection of my work including scarves, cushions and throws. I'd also be delighted to meet you.

St John's Community Centre, Church St, Penistone, Sheffield S36 6AR